# The path to where the map and the icons can be found.
# The name of the map PNG image.
$MAP_IMAGE = 'map.png';
# The mangos characters datatabase hostname.
$DATABASE_HOSTNAME = 'localhost';
# The mangos characters datatabase name.
$DATABASE_NAME = 'characters';
# The mangos characters datatabase username.
# The mangos characters datatabase password.
# The size of the icons that will appear on the map.
    "x" => 12,
    "y" => 12
# The size of the border that will be drawn around the icons indicating the character's allegience.
# A map of allegiances to mangos character's race constants.
$ALLEGIANCE = array(
    "Alliance" => array(
        1, # Human
        3, # Dwarf
        4, # Night Elf
        7  # Gnome
    "Horde" => array(
        2, # Orc
        4, # Undead
        6, # Tauren
        8 # Troll
# The colors to use for the allegiences.
    "Alliance" => array(
        "red" => 0,
        "green" => 0,
        "blue" => 255
    "Horde" => array(
        "red" => 255,
        "green" => 0,
        "blue" => 0
# The calibrated map data as a map of mangos GPS coodinates to map image pixel coordinates.
    0 => array(
        "x" => array(
            "wow" => -15999.551758,
            "img" => 645,
        "X" => array(
            "wow" => 6399.2315820,
            "img" => 895
        "y" => array(
            "wow" => -6932.688965,
            "img" => 80
        "Y" => array(
            "wow" => 3732.808594,
            "img" => 585
    1 => array(
        "x" => array(
            "wow" => -12799.322266,
            "img" => 45
        "X" => array(
            "wow" => 12265.756836,
            "img" => 400
        "y" => array(
            "wow" => -9065.761719,
            "img" => 55
        "Y" => array(
            "wow" => 6932.441895,
            "img" => 625